30,000円以上お買い上げで送料無料! たて×よこ×高さ=合計80cmを超える荷物及び、 10kgを超える重量物に関しては、 この限りでない場合がございます。

コニシ ボンド フロアメンダーONE 40mlセット #05940

分類: 床鳴り防止剤

商品番号: 5989

商品名: コニシ ボンド フロアメンダーONE 40mlセット #05940

メーカー: コニシ

品番: #05940

商品説明: <木質床材・直貼り・床組み用、床鳴り・床浮きの補修に【コニシ ボンド フロアメンダーONE 40mlセット #05940】>








[Konishi Floor Mender ONE 40ml Set #05940]

Repairing Floor Creaks and Floats Without Dismantling: Allows repairing floor creaks and floats from the surface without dismantling the floor.
Single Liquid Type with Excellent Workability: Single liquid type that does not require mixing, ensuring excellent workability.
Easy Injection into Gaps: Can be easily injected into gaps using a dedicated injector.
Removable Even after Adhering and Hardening: Can be removed even after adhering and hardening on the floor surface.
For Repairing and Preventing Floor Floats and Creaks in Wooden Flooring and Floor Frames: Suitable for repairing and preventing floor floats and creaks (squeaking noises) in wooden flooring and floor frames.
Strengthens Floor Frame: Helps in strengthening the floor frame.
※ Do not use in areas with floor heating.

※ The price of this product is limited to stock availability. Please check the stock.

商品名 価格(税込)

